Tuesday 23 April 2013

Greetings to New Friends....

 Welcome Friends, 

How difficult it is to sit in front of a blank screen and consider what to write on my very first post!

I am a home loving gal who loves to stitch (cross stitch), quilt - sometimes, cook and garden.  My home is so very important to me and I love to decorate - especially for the seasons.  My beautiful children (the gorgeous son is 22 and the stunning daughter is 20) have been my total focus for the past 20 years - they are now off at University and now - now I have a little time for myself.


I have always said I would blog, now is the time.  I have followed so many of you out there and I hope that your inspiration will lead me forward.

So with the 6 month old puppy "Martha Stewart" and I, we are off on an adventure of discovering new friends and postings on our days, interests and discoveries - I hope you can join us.

Mary & Martha